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Services & Products


Barefoot Trim

Natural hoof care aims to mimic the constant self-trimming seen in wild horses. When the hoof wall is allowed to overgrow and flare, progress towards a healthy, well-connected hoof is halted. Frequent trimming is a necessary component to functional, bare hooves.

For this reason, I keep all horses on a 5 week schedule.  This way I am able to correct issues while they come up instead of constantly chasing issues.  


Boots are great ways to add comfort to your horse during a transitional period from steal shoes to barefoot or to add extra comfort for those who might be extra sensitive while out on trails.

I do not have boots in stock; however, I am able to help size your horse and help you order the right boots for your horse.

Hoof Armor

For horses who need immediate comfort while waiting for boots or for those who only need added protection for a short time, Hoof Armor is a great option.

"Hoof armor is an Abrasive-Resistant Anti-Microbial Penetrating Protective Coating."  You can read more about Hoof Armor here.

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Hands down the best thrush product on the market! 

"Artimud fills shallow gaps in hooves and provides long-lasting protection against damage. It contains naturally active agents that cleanse the area and support the formation of healthy tissue." 

When applied well, it can last in the hoof for 2+ weeks! 

I carry this in my car for clients to purchase.

Field Paste

Similar to Artimud, Field Paste is a thrush product. 

"Field Paste cleanses and conditions the underside of the horse’s foot, helping frogs and soles stay strong and healthy."

I carry this in my car for clients to purchase. 

Hoof Stuff

"Hoof-Stuff plugs deep holes and cracks that leave hooves susceptible to dirt infiltration. Active ingredients cleanse and natural fibers create pressure to support and promote healthy, natural tissue growth."

I carry this in my car for clients to purchase.

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